EU standing up for encryption

The European parliament’s committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs has suggested that amendments to the 2002 regulation on privacy and electronic communications (ePrivacy) are required in order to safeguard encryption.

Specifically, the proposal calls for a ban on ‘backdoors’ into encrypted communications and services.

Although the proposals are still a long way from becoming law, the recommendations put the EU in direct conflict with countries such as the UK that have long been calling for access to secure communications.

However, as we have made clear before, the desire to circumvent encryption is incredibly concerning. As such, it is encouraging to see a government body to come out so strongly in favour of encryption technologies. Businesses of all sizes, and individuals, not only have every right to protect their data (and that of their customers), but also have a responsibility to do so.

At Artmotion we have always offered our customers the highest levels of privacy security for their data, and encryption forms a key part of the service we offer. As such we genuinely hope that the EU can follow through on these proposals as that can only be a good thing for everyone who does business in Europe.

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